Stronger Together

Stronger Together

Stronger Together: Building Community and Connection Through Social Media with Mikaela Shafer (Hopi),Co-Chair of the Olympia Cultural Access Advisory Board

Thursday, March 13, 2025 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm

Via zoom! You will receive the link via email prior to the event.

Explore the power of storytelling and community-building on social media. In this learning circle, you will learn how to effectively tell your story and the importance of sharing your narrative to create authentic connections.

We will go into the strategies you can use to identify and connect with your target audience, as well as how to foster a supportive online community that reflects your values and vision. Discover the key techniques to nurture relationships and cultivate a thriving, positive space for you, your business, or your organization.

Whether you're a business owner, a nonprofit leader, or an individual looking to establish a meaningful online presence, this session will equip you with the tools and insights to build a vibrant community around your story.

We recommend having a paper and pencil on hand.


Winner picks: Walmart, Amazon, ACE Hardware, or Starbucks

(Must be present to participate)

The event is free but advance registration is required. Register at: 

Registration deadline: Wednesday, March 12 by noon.

Stronger Together sessions take place on the 2nd Thursday of the month, September to May. 

***Spots are limited so please be mindful when committing. If you are unable to make it, please let us know so that we can make your spot available to other people in the community.***

Contact Us: | 360-532-8950

Meet Mikaela: 
Mikaela Shafer (Hopi) is a mother, artist, and community builder residing in Olympia, Washington. With a passion for storytelling and marketing, she has amassed over 15 years of experience helping businesses tell their stories and build community through a strategy of authentic content that inspires, educates, and uplifts. Her marketing business, Maqa Collective, collaborates with organizations and individuals who are making positive impacts in their worlds. Within her community, Mikaela serves as the Co-Chair of the Olympia Cultural Access Advisory Board, a committee that supports public programs in arts, culture, heritage, and science. Her artwork has been featured in galleries across the US and in London, and she was recently honored with the LIFT Award for Indigenous artists through the Native Arts and Cultures Foundation. Through her artistic endeavors, community engagement, and storytelling, Mikaela strives to make a meaningful impact on the cultural landscape, advocating for inclusivity and empowerment in her community and beyond.

About Stronger Together:
Stronger Together is a restorative, multigenerational community and teen positive program for people 12+. Once a month, September to May, we gather around topics of importance to our community, such as self care, positive mental outlooks, and healthy relationships, share information and resources and create a space for learning from one another.

Thank you to Rayonier for your contribution in making these sessions free to our community!

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Renter’s Certification Class

Renter’s Certification Class

Renter’s Certification Class

Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your housing options and learn valuable skills! Sign up today and take the first step towards stable housing.

The next Renter's Certification Class is coming up on Wednesday, March 19th at Willapa Behavior & Health Services at 300 Ocean Ave, Raymond, WA 98577, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm.

Renter Certification helps people gain meaningful housing through communication training, connection to resources, and mediation services. We currently offer Renter Certification for people in Grays Harbor, Pacific and Wahkiakum Counties.

Renter Certification is a skills-based education program offered in a classroom setting. In our 2-hour Renter Certification classes, you will receive information about: Housing support, communication skills, and mediation services.

Registration is required for this class. Complete this form (should only take a couple of minutes):

Please arrive around 15 minutes early to allow for check-in.

Walk-in registrations will be available starting at 12:45 pm.

Questions? Contact us!

Email: Kelsey at or

Call us: (360) 532-8950, Option 2


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Nuestras Historias

Nuestras Historias

Nuestras Historias - Lotería: ¡Un viaje cultural de bienestar! Con Jessica Molina

Jueves 20 de marzo de 6:30 pm a 8:00 pm

A través de Zoom! Recibirás el enlace por correo electrónico antes del evento.

Durante este taller facilitaremos una plática sobre los mensajes culturales transmitidos a través de las imágenes de la Lotería Mexicana. Exploraremos temas como los roles de género, la dinámica familiar, las tradiciones y los estereotipos para analizar cómo estos mensajes reflejan nuestras propias experiencias e identidades y tendremos la oportunidad de re-crear nuestra propia versión de la lotería.

Recomendamos tener lápiz y papel a mano.

Estaremos sorteando una tarjeta de regalo de $25!

El/la ganador/a elegirá entre: Walmart, Amazon, ACE Hardware o Starbucks

(Debes estar presente para participar)

Este evento es gratuito pero registrarse de antemano es necesario.

Regístrate aquí: 

Fecha límite de registro: miércoles, 19 de marzo a mediodía.

Estas sesiones se llevarán a cabo el tercer jueves desde septiembre a mayo.

***Estas sesiones son íntimas. Si no vas a poder asistir, por favor háznoslo saber, ya que los preparativos que hacemos son en base a los partícipes que se han registrado.***

Contáctanos: | 360-532-8950

Nuestra invitada especial
Jessica Molina, proviene de una familia migrante de México que se estableció en la ciudad Yakima, WA, donde se dedicaron al trabajo agrícola como familia campesina. Después de graduarse de la secundaria como graduada de primera generación, a los 18 años se mudó al Condado Grays Harbor en el verano del 2012. En el 2014 se graduó del Grays Harbor College con una carrera en Servicios Humanos y en el 2016 se graduó del Evergreen State College. Durante su carrera en estudio, fue voluntaria con varias organizaciones para aprender más sobre la comunidad. Fue por esa experiencia que consiguió su primer trabajo con la organización Beyond Survival; el centro de recursos de violencia sexual, una organización a la que se dedicó de 2013 a 2019. En ese tiempo, Jessica vio el impacto de la violencia en el bienestar y salud de individuos, familias y comunidades donde más tarde lidio el desarrollo de programación para la comunidad hispanohablante. Ahora, Jessica trabaja con el departamento de salud y actualmente es parte del Cirulo de Mujeres para la Justicia, es miembro fundador de la coalición Grays Harbor RISE, y es la presidenta de la mesa directiva de la organización Dispute Resolution Center of Grays Harbor and Pacific County. Cuando no está involucrada en los proyectos de comunidad, le gusta disfrutar las playas y bosques del PNW, y pasar tiempo con su esposo e hijo en fines de semana de fútbol y jugando juegos de mesa.          

Acerca de Nuestras Historias
Nuestras Historias es un programa restaurativo, comunitario y multigeneracional para personas de 12 años y más. Una vez al mes desde septiembre a mayo, nos reunimos en torno a temas de importancia para nuestra comunidad, como el cuidado personal, las perspectivas mentales positivas, y las relaciones saludables, compartimos información y recursos y creamos un espacio para aprender unos de otros.

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Stronger Together

Stronger Together

Stronger Together: Community Learning Circles

The Stronger Together (English sessions) and Nuestras Historias (Spanish sessions) programs are restorative, community-based cross-generational programs designed for people 12+, teens and adults. Monthly Stronger Together and Nuestras Historias community online learning circles bring together participants to learn and build relationships with one another, further strengthening community bonds.

September through May

(English language sessions)

2nd Thursdays - 6:30 pm-8:00 pm


*September 26, October 10, November 14, December 12, January 9, February 13, March 13, April 10, May 8

Our Annual Restorative Gathering will take place in person in June.

*Modified date.

Check back soon for registration details for this circle, we’d love for you to join us!

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Nuestras Historias

Nuestras Historias

Nuestras Historias: Círculos comunitarios de aprendizaje

Los programas Stronger Together y Nuestras Historias son programas intergeneracionales restaurativos comunitarios, diseñados para personas mayores de 12 años, adolescentes y adultxs. Los círculos comunitarios de aprendizaje Stronger Together y Nuestras Historias, se reúnen en línea mensualmente para aprender y construir relaciones entre lxs participantes, fortaleciendo aún más los lazos comunitarios.

Septiembre a mayo

Nuestras Historias

(Sesiones en español)

Tercer jueves - 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Fechas:19 de septiembre, *17 de octubre, 21 de noviembre, 19 de diciembre, 16 de enero, 20 de febrero, 20 de marzo, *24 de abril, 15 de mayo

Nuestro evento comunitario restaurativo se celebrará en persona en junio.

*Fecha modificada.

¡Vuelve pronto, publicaremos detalles para que nos puedas acompañar en esta sesión!

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Stronger Together

Stronger Together

Stronger Together: Community Learning Circles

The Stronger Together (English sessions) and Nuestras Historias (Spanish sessions) programs are restorative, community-based cross-generational programs designed for people 12+, teens and adults. Monthly Stronger Together and Nuestras Historias community online learning circles bring together participants to learn and build relationships with one another, further strengthening community bonds.

September through May

(English language sessions)

2nd Thursdays - 6:30 pm-8:00 pm


*September 26, October 10, November 14, December 12, January 9, February 13, March 13, April 10, May 8

Our Annual Restorative Gathering will take place in person in June.

*Modified date.

Check back soon for registration details for this circle, we’d love for you to join us!

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Nuestras Historias

Nuestras Historias

Nuestras Historias: Círculos comunitarios de aprendizaje

Los programas Stronger Together y Nuestras Historias son programas intergeneracionales restaurativos comunitarios, diseñados para personas mayores de 12 años, adolescentes y adultxs. Los círculos comunitarios de aprendizaje Stronger Together y Nuestras Historias, se reúnen en línea mensualmente para aprender y construir relaciones entre lxs participantes, fortaleciendo aún más los lazos comunitarios.

Septiembre a mayo

Nuestras Historias

(Sesiones en español)

Tercer jueves - 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Fechas:19 de septiembre, *17 de octubre, 21 de noviembre, 19 de diciembre, 16 de enero, 20 de febrero, 20 de marzo, *24 de abril, 15 de mayo

Nuestro evento comunitario restaurativo se celebrará en persona en junio.

*Fecha modificada.

¡Vuelve pronto, publicaremos detalles para que nos puedas acompañar en esta sesión!

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Nuestras Historias - Preparándonos Juntx, Parte 2

Nuestras Historias - Preparándonos Juntx, Parte 2

Preparándonos Juntxs: Creando un Plan Familiar, Parte 2 con Carlos Mejia y Nolvia Barahona de Mi Chiantla

Jueves 20 de febrero de 6:30 pm a 8:00 pm

A través de Zoom! Recibirás el enlace por correo electrónico antes del evento.

¡Carlos Mejía y Nolvia Barahona de Mi Chiantla regresan por demanda popular! En esta sesión, profundizaremos en la creación de un plan familiar para emergencias migratorias. Los participantes pondrán sus planes por escrito y conocerán recursos accesibles para la comunidad. Además, Nolvia compartirá herramientas clave para cuidar la salud mental, manejar el estrés y fortalecer la resiliencia en tiempos de adversidad.

Recomendamos tener lápiz y papel a mano.

Estaremos sorteando una tarjeta de regalo de $25!

El/la ganador/a elegirá entre: Walmart, Amazon, ACE Hardware o Starbucks

(Debes estar presente para participar)

Este evento es gratuito pero registrarse de antemano es necesario.

Regístrate aquí:

Fecha límite de registro: miércoles, 19 de febrero a mediodía.

Estas sesiones se llevarán a cabo el tercer jueves de cada mes desde septiembre a mayo.

***Estas sesiones son íntimas. Si no vas a poder asistir, por favor háznoslo saber, ya que los preparativos que hacemos son en base a los partícipes que se han registrado.***

Contáctanos: | 360-532-8950

Nuestros invitados especiales

Mi nombre es Nolvia Barahona, soy de Honduras, llegamos con mi familia a USA en el 2002. Soy licenciada en Periodismo graduada en Honduras e hice una maestría aquí en Consejería. Tengo experiencia de muchos años en educación comunitaria enfocada en la prevención y formación. También he trabajado en el campo de salud mental.

Carlos Mejia Rodriguez, Medico y Cirujano y Doctorado en Salud Pública en Educación y Promoción de salud. Experiencia trabajando para el sector del gobierno, privado y sin fines de lucro en prevención de salud pública y educación en cómo ser mejores padres, considerando los niños, educación prenatal y paternidad responsable. Actualmente director ejecutivo de Mi Chiantla.

Acerca de Nuestras Historias

Nuestras Historias es un programa restaurativo, comunitario y multigeneracional para personas de 12 años y más. Una vez al mes desde septiembre a mayo, nos reunimos en torno a temas de importancia para nuestra comunidad, como el cuidado personal, las perspectivas mentales positivas, y las relaciones saludables, compartimos información y recursos y creamos un espacio para aprender unos de otros.

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Stronger Together

Stronger Together

Stronger Together: Unleash Your Unique Strength: How Embracing Your Superpower Transforms Your Life with Mia Johnstone, Educator at South Puget Sound Community College

About This Session
Stronger Together: Unleash Your Unique Strength: How Embracing Your Superpower Transforms Your Life with Mia Johnstone, Educator at South Puget Sound Community College

Thursday, February 13, 2025 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm

Via zoom! You will receive the link via email prior to the event.

Ready to unlock your superpowers? Special guest Mia Johnstone from South Puget Sound Community College will lead us in learning how to identify our unique strengths and talents, develop them into practical strategies, and use them to succeed in both our personal and professional lives. Walk away with tools to help you stand out, make a difference, and discover your full potential.
We recommend having a paper and pencil on hand.

Winner picks: Walmart, Amazon, ACE Hardware, or Starbucks
(Must be present to participate)

The event is free but advance registration is required. Register at:

Registration deadline: Wednesday, February 12 by noon.

Stronger Together sessions take place on the 2nd Thursday of the month during the school year.

***Spots are limited so please be mindful when committing. If you are unable to make it, please let us know so that we can make your spot available to other people in the community.***

Contact Us: | 360-532-8950

Meet Mia:
Mia Johnstone is an educator and mentor who helps people grow into their best selves. She has years of experience assisting small businesses with growth and now teaches business at SPSCC. Beyond the classroom, she has also empowered women to build confidence and find meaningful relationships with loving partners. In her free time, Mia enjoys taking cycling classes and sharing in the clever, witty remarks of her teenage son.

About Stronger Together:
Stronger Together is a restorative, multigenerational community and teen positive program for people 12+. Once a month during the school year, we gather around topics of importance to our community, such as self care, positive mental outlooks, and healthy relationships, share information and resources and create a space for learning from one another.

Thank you to Rayonier for your contribution in making these sessions free to our community!

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Stronger Together

Stronger Together

Stronger Together: How to Care for Seniors: Practical Skills for All Ages, with Robert Powell from the Olympic Area Agency on Aging

Thursday, January 23rd from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm

Via zoom! You will receive the link via email prior to the event.

Caring for older generations benefits everyone—whether you’re a teen helping a grandparent, an adult managing caregiving, or a senior supporting peers. These skills strengthen families, build empathy, and create lasting connections across generations.

We recommend having a paper and pencil on hand.


Winner picks: Walmart, Amazon, ACE Hardware, or Starbucks

(Must be present to participate)

The event is free but advance registration is required. Register at: 

Registration deadline: Wednesday, January 22nd by noon.

Stronger Together sessions take place on the 2nd Thursday of the month during the school year. 

***Spots are limited so please be mindful when committing. If you are unable to make it, please let us know so that we can make your spot available to other people in the community.***

Contact Us: | 360-532-8950

Meet Robert: 

Robert Powell graduated from Central Washington University in 1984 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Sociology. In 1985, he began his career at a juvenile court, where he served in various roles including detention manager, probation counselor, and intensive supervision parole officer over a span of ten years.

Following his tenure at the juvenile court, Robert joined Naselle Youth Camp, working in a lodge specifically for sex offenders for five years. He then transitioned to Child Protective Services as an investigator, a role he held for another five years before seeking a new direction.

Robert was appointed as the administrator of Alder House Assisted Living in South Bend, serving in this capacity for four years before moving on to Long Beach Retirement and Assisted Living, where he worked for eight years. Seeking a position with fewer hours, Robert eventually joined the Olympic Area Agency on Aging.

At the Olympic Area Agency on Aging, Robert has been a dedicated MAC – TSOA case manager, Kinship Care Worker, and Family Caregiver Support Program case manager for nearly eight years, continuing to provide vital support and services to the community.

About Stronger Together:

Stronger Together is a restorative, multigenerational community and teen positive program for people 12+. Once a month during the school year, we gather around topics of importance to our community, such as self care, positive mental outlooks, and healthy relationships, share information and resources and create a space for learning from one another.

Thank you to Rayonier for your contribution in making these sessions free to our community!

Upcoming Dates:

February 13, March 13, April 10, May 8

Our Annual Restorative Gathering will take place in person in June.

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Nuestras Historias - Preparándonos Juntxs: Creando un Plan Familiar

Nuestras Historias - Preparándonos Juntxs: Creando un Plan Familiar

Nuestras Historias - Preparándonos Juntxs: Creando un Plan Familiar con Carlos Mejia y Nolvia Barahona de Mi Chiantla

Acerca de esta sesión:

Jueves 16 de enero de 6:30 pm a 8:00 pm

A través de Zoom! Recibirás el enlace por correo electrónico antes del evento.

Acompáñanos en la próxima sesión de Nuestras Historias para aprender a crear un plan familiar en caso de emergencias migratorias. Carlos Mejía y Nolvia Barahona de Mi Chiantla compartirán recursos útiles y estrategias para ayudarte a preparar tu hogar y asegurar la tranquilidad de tu familia. ¡No te lo pierdas!

Recomendamos tener lápiz y papel a mano.

Estaremos sorteando una tarjeta de regalo de $25!

El/la ganador/a elegirá entre: Walmart, Amazon, ACE Hardware o Starbucks

(Debes estar presente para participar)

Este evento es gratuito pero registrarse de antemano es necesario.

Regístrate aquí:

Fecha límite de registro: miércoles, 15 de enero a mediodía.

Estas sesiones se llevarán a cabo el tercer jueves de cada mes durante el año escolar.

***Estas sesiones son íntimas. Si no vas a poder asistir, por favor háznoslo saber, ya que los preparativos que hacemos son en base a los partícipes que se han registrado.***

Contáctanos: | 360-532-8950

Nuestros invitados especiales:
Mi nombre es Nolvia Barahona, soy de Honduras, llegamos con mi familia a USA en el 2002. Soy licenciada en Periodismo graduada en Honduras e hice una maestría aquí en Consejería. Tengo experiencia de muchos años en educación comunitaria enfocada en la prevención y formación. También he trabajado en el campo de salud mental.

Carlos Mejia Rodriguez, Medico y Cirujano y Doctorado en Salud Pública en Educación y Promoción de salud. Experiencia trabajando para el sector del gobierno, privado y sin fines de lucro en prevención de salud pública y educación en cómo ser mejores padres, considerando los niños, educación prenatal y paternidad responsable. Actualmente director ejecutivo de Mi Chiantla.

Acerca de Nuestras Historias:
Nuestras Historias es un programa restaurativo, comunitario y multigeneracional para personas de 12 años y más. Una vez al mes durante el año escolar, nos reunimos en torno a temas de importancia para nuestra comunidad, como el cuidado personal, las perspectivas mentales positivas, y las relaciones saludables, compartimos información y recursos y creamos un espacio para aprender unos de otros.

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<span class="sqsrte-text-color--black">Nuestras Historias - Primeros Pasos, Grandes Logros: Apoyando el Aprendizaje Temprano con Geneva Bernabe, Educadora</span>

Nuestras Historias - Primeros Pasos, Grandes Logros: Apoyando el Aprendizaje Temprano con Geneva Bernabe, Educadora

Nuestras Historias - Primeros Pasos, Grandes Logros: Apoyando el Aprendizaje Temprano con Geneva Bernabe, Educadora

Jueves 19 de diciembre del 2024 de 6:30 pm a 8:00 pm

A través de Zoom! Recibirás el enlace por correo electrónico antes del evento.

Acompáñanos en la próxima sesión de Nuestras Historias, donde exploraremos el desarrollo temprano en la primera infancia y cómo lxs adultxs significativxs pueden apoyarlo con actividades simples y un entorno enriquecedor. Además, nuestra invitada, Geneva Bernabe, educadora, compartirá valiosos recursos sobre el Programa de Educación y Asistencia para la Primera Infancia (ECEAP), Head Start y programas privados. ¡No te pierdas esta oportunidad para apoyar el crecimiento de tus pequeñxs!

Recomendamos tener lápiz y papel a mano.

Estaremos sorteando una tarjeta de regalo de $25!

El/la ganador/a elegirá entre: Walmart, Amazon, ACE Hardware o Starbucks

(Debes estar presente para participar)

Este evento es gratuito pero registrarse de antemano es necesario.

Regístrate aquí:

Fecha límite de registro: miércoles, 18 de diciembre a mediodía.

Estas sesiones se llevarán a cabo el tercer jueves de cada mes durante el año escolar.

***Estas sesiones son íntimas. Si no vas a poder asistir, por favor háznoslo saber, ya que los preparativos que hacemos son en base a los partícipes que se han registrado.***

Contáctanos: | 360-532-8950

Nuestra invitada especial
Geneva Bernabe está casada y es madre de 4 hijos, además de tener 3 hijastros. Su trayectoria profesional ha estado centrada en la educación; durante 5 años, ha ejercido como maestra, dedicando 2 de esos años a la enseñanza en primer grado y los últimos 3 como maestra de inglés como segundo idioma (EL). Antes de su carrera en la educación, trabajó durante 12 años en el Distrito Escolar de Aberdeen como intérprete y paraeducadora de EL. Este recorrido enriquecedor ha forjado su compromiso con la educación y el apoyo a los estudiantes en su desarrollo académico.

Acerca de Nuestras Historias
Nuestras Historias es un programa restaurativo, comunitario y multigeneracional para personas de 12 años y más. Una vez al mes durante el año escolar, nos reunimos en torno a temas de importancia para nuestra comunidad, como el cuidado personal, las perspectivas mentales positivas, y las relaciones saludables, compartimos información y recursos y creamos un espacio para aprender unos de otros.

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Stronger Together

Stronger Together

Stronger Together - Finances to Keys: Owning a Home

About This Session

Stronger Together: "Finances to Keys: Owning a Home" with José Galván and Sayuri Castañeda from TwinStar Credit Union

Thursday, December 12th, 2024 from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm

Via zoom! You will receive the link via email prior to the event.

 Join us for the next Stronger Together session with special guests José Galván and Sayuri Castañeda from TwinStar Credit Union, who will share valuable information on the path to homeownership. This session will cover essential steps, from financial preparation to navigating the home-buying process.

We recommend having a paper and pencil on hand.


Winner picks: Walmart, Amazon, ACE Hardware, or Starbucks

(Must be present to participate)

The event is free but advance registration is required. Register at: 

Registration deadline: Tuesday, December 10th by noon.

Stronger Together sessions take place on the 2nd Thursday of the month during the school year. 

***Spots are limited so please be mindful when committing. If you are unable to make it, please let us know so that we can make your spot available to other people in the community.***

Contact Us: | 360-532-8950

Meet José and Sayuri: 

José Galván has been part of the financial services industry for over 20 years, the last seven as the Community Engagement Manager for TwinStar Credit Union. José believes that having managed a small family business, combined with his passion for serving the community, provided the perfect foundation for his commitment to financial education.  

Sayuri Castañeda was born in a small town outside Mexico City and grew up in Thurston County, where she has built her life, though she has never forgotten her roots. Sayuri works for TwinStar Credit Union as a Community Engagement Manager. A significant part of her role involves working with the Latinx community. Through her various certifications, she serves as a financial resource for our community.

About Stronger Together:

Stronger Together is a restorative, multigenerational community and teen positive program for people 12+. Once a month during the school year, we gather around topics of importance to our community, such as self care, positive mental outlooks, and healthy relationships, share information and resources and create a space for learning from one another.

Thank you to Rayonier for your contribution in making these sessions free to our community!

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Nuestras Historias: Tu Casa Propia y tus Finanzas, Cómo Lograrlo

Nuestras Historias: Tu Casa Propia y tus Finanzas, Cómo Lograrlo

Nuestras Historias: “Tu Casa Propia y Tus Finanzas, Cómo Lograrlo” con José Galván y Sayuri Castañeda de TwinStar Credit Union

Acerca de esta sesión:

Nuestras Historias: “Tu Casa Propia y Tus Finanzas, Cómo Lograrlo” con José Galván y Sayuri Castañeda de TwinStar Credit Union

Jueves 21 de noviembre del 2024 de 6:30 pm a 8:00 pm

A través de Zoom! Recibirás el enlace por correo electrónico antes del evento.

Aprende con nosotrxs en la próxima sesión de Nuestras Historias con invitados especiales José Galván y Sayuri Castañeda de TwinStar Credit Union, quienes compartirán información sobre el camino hacia la compra de una casa. Esta sesión cubrirá los pasos esenciales, desde la preparación financiera hasta cómo navegar el proceso de compra.

Recomendamos tener lápiz y papel a mano.

Estaremos sorteando una tarjeta de regalo de $25!

El/la ganador/a elegirá entre: Walmart, Amazon, ACE Hardware o Starbucks

(Debes estar presente para participar)

Este evento es gratuito pero registrarse de antemano es necesario.

Regístrate aquí:

Fecha límite de registro: martes 19 de noviembre a mediodía.

Estas sesiones se llevarán a cabo el tercer jueves de cada mes durante el año escolar.

***Estas sesiones son íntimas. Si no vas a poder asistir, por favor háznoslo saber, ya que los preparativos que hacemos son en base a los partícipes que se han registrado.***

Contáctanos: | 360-532-8950

Nuestros invitados especiales

Jose Galvan ha formado parte de la industria de los servicios financieros por más de 20 años, los últimos siete como Gerente de Participación de la Comunidad para Twin Star Credit Union. Jose cree que haber manejado un pequeño negocio familiar en conjunto con su pasión por servir a la comunidad fueron la base ideal para su compromiso con la educación financiera.

Sayuri Castañeda nació en un pueblo pequeño afuera de la ciudad de México y se crió en Thurston County, donde hizo toda su vida, pero nunca se ha olvidado de sus raíces. Sayuri trabaja para TwinStar Credit Union como Gerente de participación comunitaria. Una gran parte de su rol es trabajar con la comunidad Latinx e hispanos. A través de sus diferentes certificaciones es un recurso financiero para nuestra comunidad.

Acerca de Nuestras Historias

Nuestras Historias es un programa restaurativo, comunitario y multigeneracional para personas de 12 años y más. Una vez al mes durante el año escolar, nos reunimos en torno a temas de importancia para nuestra comunidad, como el cuidado personal, las perspectivas mentales positivas, y las relaciones saludables, compartimos información y recursos y creamos un espacio para aprender unos de otros.

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Stronger Together: Mindfulness vs. Expectation!

Stronger Together: Mindfulness vs. Expectation!

Stronger Together: Mindfulness vs. Expectation! with Jeff, Monk and Teacher of Zen Buddhism

About This Session

Stronger Together: “Mindfulness vs. Expectation!” with Jeff, Monk and Teacher of Zen Buddhism

Thursday, November 14th, 2024 from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm

Via zoom! You will receive the link via email prior to the event.

 Join us with our guest, Jeff, as he guides us in exploring how mindfulness can help prevent many of our daily struggles before they even begin. Discover practical tools for releasing expectations and embracing the present moment.

We recommend having a paper and pencil on hand.


Winner picks: Walmart, Amazon, ACE Hardware, or Starbucks

(Must be present to participate)

The event is free but advance registration is required. Register at:

Registration deadline: Monday, November 11th by noon.

Stronger Together sessions take place on the 2nd Thursday of the month during the school year. 

***Spots are limited so please be mindful when committing. If you are unable to make it, please let us know so that we can make your spot available to other people in the community.***

Contact Us: | 360-532-8950

Meet Jeff: 

Jeff is a monk and teacher of Zen Buddhism, which he has been practicing for almost 25 years. In service of Buddhism's mission to relieve suffering, he has been volunteering in Washington's prison system for over 15 years, teaching Buddhist meditation, ethics, and philosophy to the people on the inside. He also leads a community Buddhist meditation every Wednesday evening at Art HQx in Hoquiam.

About Stronger Together:

Stronger Together is a restorative, multigenerational community and teen positive program for people 12+. Once a month during the school year, we gather around topics of importance to our community, such as self care, positive mental outlooks, and healthy relationships, share information and resources and create a space for learning from one another.

Thank you to Rayonier for your contribution in making these sessions free to our community!

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Electorate First Aid

Electorate First Aid

The DRC’s Dialogue Project presents: Community Interventions

Electorate First Aid

While Harborside Chats have wrapped up, the Dialogue Project is just getting started with important work ahead! We’re excited to launch a series of community empowerment sessions, where we’ll provide a range of tools and insights from community leaders across various partner agencies. These sessions will offer informational resources, a supportive place to learn, connect, and more.

The first in the series is the Electorate First Aid, happening on October 16th from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm in the tulalW Building of Grays Harbor College. We’ll explore our “First Aid Kit” for navigating the emotional challenges that can arise during election-related discussions. This session will be held in person, is free to attend, and dinner snacks will be provided - we’re excited to feature savory snacks from Aloha Alabama BBQ!

  • Local library experts will explain how algorithms shape the information you encounter and will teach on how your library can empower you with resources to stay informed and engaged

  • Dr. Bre will provide strategies for managing emotional stress in divisive discussions

  • Dawn from the DRC will teach practical techniques for handling interpersonal conflict.

Gain valuable tools to build understanding, communicate effectively, and stay calm under pressure.

These sessions are free and registration is not required, but encouraged, as it helps us plan and helps your check-in quicker.


At The Dialogue Project, we are dedicated to creating events that are accessible, inclusive, and welcoming to all. We strive to make our events as accessible and inclusive as possible. The tulalW Building is accessible, if you have specific accessibility needs or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 360.532.8950 or email at seven calendar days prior to the event to make arrangements. Your comfort and full participation are our top priorities.

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Stronger Together

Stronger Together

Stronger Together: Community Learning Circles

The Stronger Together (English sessions) and Nuestras Historias (Spanish sessions) programs are restorative, community-based cross-generational programs designed for people 12+, teens and adults. Monthly Stronger Together and Nuestras Historias community online learning circles bring together participants to learn and build relationships with one another, further strengthening community bonds.

September through May

(English language sessions)

2nd Thursdays - 6:30 pm-8:00 pm


*September 26, October 10, November 14, December 12, January 9, February 13, March 13, April 10, May 8

Our Annual Restorative Gathering will take place in person in June.

*Modified date.

Check back soon for registration details for this circle, we’d love for you to join us!

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Stronger Together

Stronger Together

Stronger Together: Growing Your Mindset for Success, Unlocking Your Potential with Raymond Gregson

Join us for an uplifting session designed to help guide you in unlocking your potential. In this Stronger Together, we will explore practical tools for overcoming challenges and building resilience and empowerment to grow your mindset for success. With a rich background in peer counseling, trauma-informed care, and personal development, Ray draws from lived experiences to empower others on their journey.

We recommend having a paper and pencil on hand.


Winner picks: Walmart, Amazon, ACE Hardware, or Starbucks

(Must be present to participate)

The event is free but advance registration is required. Register at:

Registration deadline: Tuesday September 24th by noon.

Stronger Together sessions take place on the 2nd Thursday of the month during the school year.

***Spots are limited so please be mindful when committing. If you are unable to make it, please let us know so that we can make your spot available to other people in the community.***

Contact Us: | 360-532-8950

Meet Ray:

This journey of my life started in December 2016 when I decided there was no other alternative for me than to make a substantial change in my life and mindset. Failing was not an option!

I have struggled with addiction, depression, anxiety and PTSD. My daughter/s and son have had behavior struggles and experienced physical and sexual abuse, suicidal ideation.

We successfully navigated a C.P.S case and used many community resources, supports, and systems in our efforts to rebuild our lives and relationships with each other. “Unlocking Your Potential.” was one of the tools that was presented to me. I took this class at 50 years of age and it helped to transform my life and mindset.

After an enormous amount of work and struggles, I eventually came to work for and with many of the support systems that helped to assist our family.

I have numerous certificates, several working credentials. I am an instructor and facilitator for “Unlocking Your Potential.” through Legacy Business Cultures, certified peer counselor, basic mediation training, trauma informed approach, substance use disorder, family navigator. Through my lived experiences it is my desire to help empower families, give hope so that others may succeed in their journeys. I will be overjoyed to connect with you and bring this education to your group.

About Stronger Together:

Stronger Together is a restorative, multigenerational community and teen positive program for people 12+. Once a month during the school year, we gather around topics of importance to our community, such as self care, positive mental outlooks, and healthy relationships, share information and resources and create a space for learning from one another.

Thank you to Rayonier for your contribution in making these sessions free to our community!

Stronger Together sessions take place September through May:

(English language sessions)

2nd Thursdays - 6:30 pm-8:00 pm


*September 26, October 10, November 14, December 12, January 9, February 13, March 13, April 10, May 8

Our Annual Restorative Gathering will take place in person in June.

*Modified date.

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Nuestras Historias: Emprendiendo sin barreras

Nuestras Historias: Emprendiendo sin barreras

"Nuestras Historias: Emprendiendo sin barreras" con Yazmin Carretero M.Ed., MPP, CEO de South Puget Sound Pathways Consulting

Jueves 19 de septiembre del 2024 de 6:30 pm a 8:00 pm

A través de Zoom! Recibirás el enlace por correo electrónico antes del evento.

Este taller está diseñado para empoderar a los miembros de la comunidad que sueñan con iniciar su propio negocio, independientemente de su situación migratoria o documental. Yazmin Carretero, M.Ed., MPP, CEO de South Puget Sound Pathways Consulting, te guiará a través de ejemplos prácticos y un enfoque paso a paso para que puedas transformar tu idea en una realidad empresarial, superando cualquier obstáculo en el camino hacia el éxito.

Recomendamos tener lápiz y papel a mano.

Estaremos sorteando una tarjeta de regalo de $25!

El/la ganador/a elegirá entre: Walmart, Amazon, ACE Hardware o Starbucks

(Debes estar presente para participar)

Este evento es gratuito pero registrarse de antemano es necesario.

Regístrate aquí:

Fecha límite de registro: jueves 19 de septiembre a mediodía.

Estas sesiones se llevarán a cabo el tercer jueves de cada mes durante el año escolar.

***Estas sesiones son íntimas. Si no vas a poder asistir, por favor háznoslo saber, ya que los preparativos que hacemos son en base a los partícipes que se han registrado.***

Contáctanos: | 360-532-8950

Fechas:19 de septiembre, *17 de octubre, 21 de noviembre, 19 de diciembre, 16 de enero, 20 de febrero, 20 de marzo, *24 de abril, 15 de mayo

Nuestro evento comunitario restaurativo se celebrará en persona en junio.

*Fecha modificada.

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Charlas en el puerto: Aberdeen

Charlas en el puerto: Aberdeen

¿Qué son las Charlas en el puerto?
A través de Charlas en el puerto, una serie de diálogos apoyados por personxs capacitadxs para ayudar a comunicarnos respetuosamente, reuniremos a personxs que residen en el condado de Grays Harbor en un lugar.

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Nuestras Historias: Construyendo una Familia y una comunidad resiliente

Nuestras Historias: Construyendo una Familia y una comunidad resiliente

Carlos y Nolvia de Mi Chiantla regresan a Nuestras Historias para ofrecer un espacio de reflexión y aprendizaje para fortalecer la resiliencia ante desafíos familiares. A través de dinámicas participativas, se exploran herramientas prácticas para promover la colaboración para crear planes de acción personalizados. Los participantes salen con un sentido renovado de empoderamiento y esperanza para construir un futuro más resiliente.

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Stronger Together: Education and Awareness

Stronger Together: Education and Awareness

Stronger Together: Education and Awareness with Sara Owen from Beyond Survival

About This Session

Join us with our friend Sara Owen at Beyond Survival as we learn how we can use education and awareness to fight against human trafficking in our communities.

Thursday, May 9th, 2024 from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm

Via zoom! You will receive the link via email prior to the event.

We recommend having a paper and pencil on hand.


Winner picks: Walmart, Amazon, ACE Hardware, or Starbucks

(Must be present to participate)

The event is free but advance registration is required. Register at:

Registration deadline: Tuesday May 7th by noon.

This will be the final Stronger Together Session of the 2023-2024 cycle! Join us for the Third Annual Community Restorative Gathering taking place at Events on Emerson on June 22nd! More details to follow!

***Spots are limited so please be mindful when committing. If you are unable to make it, please let us know so that we can make your spot available to other people in the community.***

Contact Us: | 360-532-8950

Meet Sara:

Sara Owen is an Advocate and Prevention Specialist at Beyond Survival, Grays Harbor's Sexual Assault Resource Center. Sara specializes in teaching Prevention curriculum such as Healthy Relationships, Consent, Trafficking, etc... to kids K-12. Her goal is to arm kids, and adults alike, with information to keep them safe & healthy, as well as end the stigma associated with being a survivor of sexual violence.

About Stronger Together:

Stronger Together is a restorative, multigenerational community and teen positive program for people 12+. Once a month during the school year, we gather around topics of importance to our community, such as self care, positive mental outlooks, and healthy relationships, share information and resources and create a space for learning from one another.

Thank you to Rayonier for your contribution in making these sessions free to our community!

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Nuestras Historias: Cuidado y sanación colectiva

Nuestras Historias: Cuidado y sanación colectiva

En este taller vamos a tener espacio para explorar el significado de participar en un cuidado colectivo donde crear lazos de comunidad y cuidarnos el uno al otro puede marcar una diferencia muy grande en nuestra experiencia y progreso en un país donde culturalmente se valora más el individualismo que el colectivismo. Tendremos un diálogo donde podremos explorar cómo desarrollar y fortalecer el cuidado colectivo honrando nuestra cultura y nuestras experiencias.

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Harborside Chats: Aberdeen

Harborside Chats: Aberdeen

Attention Grays Harbor friends: The Harborside Chat will be in Aberdeen next! Join us on Saturday, April 13th. We’ll be holding the Chat at Grays Harbor Public Health (Pearsall Building). The event starts at 10:00 am, doors open at 9:45 am, and the event will go for about two hours.

This event is free! Registration is not required but a ticket secures your spot, get yours here:
Registration deadline: Friday, April 12th by noon.

What is Harborside Chats?
Harborside Chats is a series of guided dialogue sessions supported by dispute resolution specialists and trained community members. We’re bringing Grays Harbor County into one room with people trained to help others respectfully communicate.

What are we going to talk about?
Each session will be unique and based on the topics you propose. We will collaboratively come up with a list of topics that need action in our local community.If you’re curious to know what these sessions can look like, check out this video from our Executive Director.

What to expect at this session:
Harborside Chats is a unique blend of dialogue, networking, and learning. While we have a structured moderated environment planned, we’re sure topics will arise organically.

Doors will open at 9:45 am, join us for coffee snacks, and connection time, get settled and we will begin the Chat promptly at 10 am. Participants can expect to take part in an activity with a conversation partner followed by a facilitated round table style dialogue.

For those who prefer to prepare in advance, click here to access the Golden Rule Conversation guide - an activity we will be participating in at the outset of our time together. Check it out ahead of time or consider arriving a little early to delve into it. While we'll cover this information during the session, we recognize that some folks appreciate being able to prepare.

We will have two $25 cash prize raffles for you to take a friend out and continue the dialogue!


At The Dialogue Project, we are dedicated to creating events that are accessible, inclusive, and welcoming to all. We strive to make our events as accessible and inclusive as possible. If you have specific accessibility needs or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 360.532.8950 or email at seven calendar days prior to the event to make arrangements. Your comfort and full participation are our top priorities.

Communities Thrive When Dialogue Is Alive!

**ATTENDANCE POLICY** Ticket registration secures your spot. Please be mindful of the limited spots available and arrive at least five minutes prior to the start time. Arrivals later than 5 minutes before the event begins will be considered a no-show. Released tickets will open up opportunities for other community members to participate. Arrivals after the start time won’t be allowed entry to the session. Your cooperation and understanding are appreciated.

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Stronger Together: The Language of Apology

Stronger Together: The Language of Apology

There are many ways to say "I'm Sorry".

Join us as we explore 5 different ways to apologize, and learn how and why we each have our own favorite apology style. In circle we will focus on getting to know one another and discover our own apology style as well as our preference in how we offer and accept apologies.

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Nuestras Historias: Promoviendo comportamientos saludables”

Nuestras Historias: Promoviendo comportamientos saludables”

Nuestras Historias es un programa restaurativo, comunitario y multigeneracional para personas de 12 años y más. Una vez al mes durante el año escolar, nos reunimos en torno a temas de importancia para nuestra comunidad, como el cuidado personal, las perspectivas mentales positivas, y las relaciones saludables, compartimos información y recursos y creamos un espacio para aprender unos de otros.

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Harborside Chats: Ocean Shores

Harborside Chats: Ocean Shores

Ocean Shores: you are our next Harborside Chat! Join us on Saturday, March 9th at North Beach Jr. & Sr. High School at 335 Washington 115, Ocean Shores, WA 98569

The event starts at 10:00 am, doors open at 9:45 am, and the event will go for about two hours.

This event is free! Registration is not required but a ticket secures your spot. Feel free to bring a friend! Better yet, bring someone whose viewpoints differ from yours.
Registration deadline: Friday, March 8th by noon.

What is Harborside Chats?
Harborside Chats is a series of guided dialogue sessions supported by dispute resolution specialists and trained community members. We’re bringing Grays Harbor County into one room with people trained to help others respectfully communicate.

What are we going to talk about?
Each session will be unique and based on the topics you propose. We will collaboratively come up with a list of topics that need action in our local community.If you’re curious to know what these sessions can look like, check out this video from our Executive Director.

What to expect at this session:
Harborside Chats is a unique blend of dialogue, networking, and learning. While we have a structured moderated environment planned, we’re sure topics will arise organically.

Doors will open at 9:45 am, join us for coffee snacks, and connection time, get settled and we will begin the Chat promptly at 10 am. Participants can expect to take part in an activity with a conversation partner followed by a facilitated round table style dialogue.

For those who prefer to prepare in advance, click here to access the Golden Rule Conversation guide - an activity we will be participating in at the outset of our time together. Check it out ahead of time or consider arriving early to delve into it before the doors officially open. While we'll cover this information during the session, we recognize that some folks appreciate being able to prepare.

We will have two $25 cash prize raffles for you to take a friend out and continue the dialogue!

There will be plenty of parking in the school's parking lot.


At The Dialogue Project, we are dedicated to creating events that are accessible, inclusive, and welcoming to all. We strive to make our events as accessible and inclusive as possible. If you have specific accessibility needs or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 360.532.8950 or email at seven calendar days prior to the event to make arrangements. Your comfort and full participation are our top priorities.

Communities Thrive When Dialogue Is Alive!

**ATTENDANCE POLICY** Ticket registration secures your spot. Please be mindful of the limited spots available and arrive at least five minutes prior to the start time. Arrivals later than 5 minutes before the event begins will be considered a no-show. Released tickets will open up opportunities for other community members to participate. Arrivals after the start time won’t be allowed entry to the session. Your cooperation and understanding are appreciated.

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Nuestras Historias - “Cuidado y sanación colectiva” con Carolina Forero

Nuestras Historias - “Cuidado y sanación colectiva” con Carolina Forero

En este taller vamos a tener espacio para explorar el significado de participar en un cuidado colectivo donde crear lazos de comunidad y cuidarnos el uno al otro puede marcar una diferencia muy grande en nuestra experiencia y progreso en un país donde culturalmente se valora más el individualismo que el colectivismo. Tendremos un diálogo donde podremos explorar cómo desarrollar y fortalecer el cuidado colectivo honrando nuestra cultura y nuestras experiencias.

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Harborside Chats: Westport

Harborside Chats: Westport

Westport, we're coming to you next!
Join us for the next Harborside Chats session on Saturday, February 10th at Ocosta Jr. & Sr. High School at 2580 Montesano St S, Westport, WA 98595

The event starts at 10:00 am, doors open at 9:45 am, and the event will go for about two hours.

This event is free! Registration is not required but a ticket secures your spot, get yours here.
Registration deadline: Friday, February 9th by noon.

What is Harborside Chats?
Harborside Chats is a series of guided dialogue sessions supported by dispute resolution specialists and trained community members. We’re bringing Grays Harbor County into one room with people trained to help others respectfully communicate.

What are we going to talk about?
Each session will be unique and based on the topics you propose. We will collaboratively come up with a list of topics that need action in our local community.If you’re curious to know what these sessions can look like, check out this video from our Executive Director.

What to expect at this session:
Harborside Chats is a unique blend of dialogue, networking, and learning. While we have a structured moderated environment planned, we’re sure topics will arise organically.

Doors will open at 9:45 am, join us for coffee snacks, and connection time, get settled and we will begin the Chat promptly at 10 am. Participants can expect to take part in an activity with a conversation partner followed by a facilitated round table style dialogue.

For those who prefer to prepare in advance, click here to access the Golden Rule Conversation guide - an activity we will be participating in at the outset of our time together. Check it out ahead of time or consider arriving early to delve into it before the doors officially open. While we'll cover this information during the session, we recognize that some folks appreciate being able to prepare.

We will have two $25 cash prize raffles for you to take a friend out and continue the dialogue!

There will be plenty of parking in the school's parking lot.


At The Dialogue Project, we are dedicated to creating events that are accessible, inclusive, and welcoming to all. We strive to make our events as accessible and inclusive as possible. If you have specific accessibility needs or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 360.532.8950 or email at seven calendar days prior to the event to make arrangements. Your comfort and full participation are our top priorities.

Communities Thrive When Dialogue Is Alive!

**ATTENDANCE POLICY** Ticket registration secures your spot. Please be mindful of the limited spots available and arrive at least five minutes prior to the start time. Arrivals later than 5 minutes before the event begins will be considered a no-show. Released tickets will open up opportunities for other community members to participate. Arrivals after the start time won’t be allowed entry to the session. Your cooperation and understanding are appreciated.

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Nuestras Historias: Alimentación Consciente

Nuestras Historias: Alimentación Consciente

Únete a nuestro círculo restaurativo sobre alimentación consciente con la invitada especial, Virginia Alcalde, quien regresa para guiarnos en un viaje a través de diferentes técnicas que nos permitirán cultivar una conexión más profunda con nuestros rituales alimenticios.

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